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Condo prices in central region up 0.2% in July: NUS SRPI
By Lin Zhiqin | August 28, 2015

According to the National University of Singapore’s (NUS) Singapore Residential Price Index (SRPI) flash estimates for July and revised values for June, overall prices for completed private homes stayed flat from June, which saw a 0.1% month-on-month (m-o-m) decline.

In July, prices for condos in the central region (excluding small units up to 506 sq ft) inched up 0.2%, a smaller gain than the 0.6% m-o-m seen in June. Prices for small units (up to 506 sq ft) also saw a modest gain of 0.3% compared to the 0.9% decline in June. Meanwhile, prices for condos in the non-central region (excluding small units up to 506 sq ft) retreated by a gentler 0.2% compared to the 0.7% decline in June.

Central region is defined as postal districts 1 through 4 and 9 to 11 by NUS’ Institute of Real Estate Studies (IRES), which developed and publishes the SRPI.

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