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SG Living
Tidying with Marie Kondo
By Rachael Tan | January 31, 2019
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In Singapore, it’s a tradition to do spring cleaning prior to the Chinese New Year. It is believed to get rid of the bad luck from the past year and allowing the positive luck to flow into your space. This year, we’ve decided to use the KonMari method to declutter our desks in EdgeProp’s office.

KonMari method

Marie Kondo, author of the book ‘The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up’ came out with the KonMari method of organising your space. She believes that what we should be doing is finding the things that we want to keep by identifying the things that “spark joy”.

Kondo's method of organising consists of:

  1. Gather all of your belongings.
  2. Categorise them in this order (clothes, books, papers, miscellaneous items, and finally sentimental items).
  3. Keep only those things that "spark joy".
  4. Discard items that do not spark joy and thank them for their services.
  5. Choose a place for each item that you want to keep.

KonMari EdgeProp’s office











Our verdict

We think it is not very practical to KonMari your office because we can’t throw everything that does not sparks joy, however it does feel more efficient to work in a decluttered environment. On the other hand, we feel that it is definitely a good guide to tidying up your home. Comment and let us know what are your thoughts.

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