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JustCo merges with naked Hub
By Angela Teo | July 20, 2017
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Updated, June 20, 2017, 6:19 p.m., to change figures with regards to the number of companies and members the merged entity can serve and is expected to attract.

JustCo has merged with naked Hub to form the largest premium co-working operator in Asia. This will allow the merged entity to take a bigger share of the co-working market, which is projected to grow 68% each year from 2016 to 2018, according to Statista.

Including naked Hub’s network of 21 spaces in China, Hong Kong and Vietnam, the combined portfolio of the merged entity will have a gross floor area of 140,000 sq m, in 41 locations across six countries. This means the JustCo-naked Hub merged entity can serve over 8,000 companies and is expected to attract 32,000 members.

JustCo currently has four spaces in Singapore at Robinson Road (below) and Raffles Quay as well as at Marina One and UIC Building. The firm plans to add two million sq ft of space to its portfolio, in cities such as Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta and Bangkok.

Source: JustCo

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