
Executive Condominium 2025

Latest EC Launches

District:24 - Lim Chu Kang, Tengah
Launch Date:16 November 2024
Enquire Now
Novo Place
Lumina Grand
North Gaia

Distribution of Executive Condominiums

Check out where the latest Executive Condominium new launches are!
Source: URA, https://www.edgeprop.sg

Prices, Rents and Profits

Note: Prices and Rentals are based on data in the past 12 months. Average Profit at 5 and 10 years are based on data from the 5th year to 6th year and 10th year to 11th year respectively.

Source: URA, https://www.edgeprop.sg
All District
All Status
Project Name
Completion Date
Avg Price ($ psf)
Avg Rental ($ psf pm)
Avg Profit at 5 years ($)
Avg Profit at 10 years ($)
markerTHE TAMPINES TRILLIANTFeb 20151,5354.34265,341785,000marker
markerWATERCOLOURSDec 20141,2173.86126,601498,372marker
markerBLOSSOM RESIDENCESSep 20141,2483.71192,703597,518marker
markerARC AT TAMPINESAug 20141,3414.02174,818647,660marker
markerRIVERPARC RESIDENCEJun 20141,4183.70222,153839,677marker
markerBELYSAMay 20141,3323.88207,991700,600marker
markerAUSTVILLE RESIDENCESApr 20141,3093.77190,650593,699marker
markerTHE CANOPYJan 20141,1203.74180,317478,581marker
markerESPARINA RESIDENCESSep 20131,6354.37330,136817,938marker
markerPRIVEJul 20131,4214.17304,196708,980marker
Total records : 0
  • 1
  • 10 / page
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Executive Condo vs Nearby Private Condo

Source: URA, https://www.edgeprop.sg

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Executive Condominium
Nearby Private Condominium Fill in the EC project and a list of comparable Private Condominiums within 1000m will be suggested here.

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Executive Condominium Timeline

Browse through
available projects
Contact Developer
Contact Developer
Go to project
Get assigned to
tagging agent, if buyer has no agent representative
Get assigned to
tagging agent, if buyer has no agent representative
Go to project
Submit application to developer with relevant documents for verification
Submit application to developer with relevant documents for verification
Project fully privatises
10 years after TOP
Exercise Option to Purchase
Project partially
privatises 5 years after TOP
Project TOP, collect keys
Project TOP, collect keys
Sign Sale and Purchase Agreement
Sign Sale and Purchase Agreement
Project partially
privatises 5 years after TOP
Exercise Option to Purchase
Project fully privatises
10 years after TOP
Note: Applies to eligible buyers. Process may differ depending on project.

FAQs about Executive Condominiums

How do I check my eligibility for Executive Condominium new launches?
You are required to be eligible under any of the 4 HDB eligibility schemes:
Public Scheme
Fiancé/Fiancée Scheme
Orphans Scheme
Joint Singles Scheme

You must be a Singapore Citizen (SC), with at least 1 other applicant being a Singapore Citizen (SC) or Permanent Resident (PR). If you are applying under the Joint Singles Scheme, all applicants must be SCs.

You must be at least 21 years old, or at least 35 years old for the Joint Singles Scheme.

Your monthly household income must not be more than $16,000.

All applicants:
Should not own any local or overseas private property
Have not disposed of any private property in the last 30 months
Must dispose of any interest in HDB flats within 6 months of completing the EC purchase.

Do refer to HDB’s website for more information on eligibility for Executive Condominium.

What are the upcoming EC launches in 2023?
Check out new EC launches, under the “Uncompleted” and “Coming Soon” sections.
What are the prices for EC launches in 2023?
Average transaction prices for ECs can be found in the list of Executive Condominiums. You can also click on the respective projects in the table to view the latest transaction data.
Do ECs have a higher price appreciation as compared to Private Condos?
You may compare and analyse the price trend of ECs with nearby private condominiums using our Market Trends tool.
Is an Executive Condominium under HDB?
An executive condominium is a hybrid between private and public housing. For the first 10 years, ECs are considered to be public properties, where HDB eligibility schemes and the 5-year Minimum Occupancy Period (MOP) apply. After the 10-year mark, ECs will be fully privatised. Owners will be able to sell their ECs to previously ineligible buyers, such as foreigners and singles.
Can I rent out my Executive Condominium?
Yes, you may rent out the bedrooms within the 5-year MOP, but not the entire EC unit.
How do I view the latest Private Condominium launches?
You can explore the latest new launches here on Edgeprop.